About Us

The original concept for a foundation was Rahena Begum’s. Rahena was so passionate about the idea that that she initially decided to self-fund the project. Jobeda was always actively involved in philanthropic works and she visited Bangladesh with Rahena in 2017. Jobeda loved it so much and stated on numerous occasions that she really felt connected to the village – mainly because she was born there.

Rahena and Jobeda were both unhappy with the local’s lack of basic immunities, and the lack of direct access of them. Whilst in Bangladesh, Jobeda took over three thousand pictures, and hired someone to conduct a needs assessment to ascertain the immediate needs of villagers.

Through primary research, they discovered that 24% of women reported at least one complication during the postpartum period, whilst urban slum areas of, Bangladesh, demonstrated that approximately 75% of women reported at least one postpartum morbidity.

One of the main problems the locals face is the river: it is literally a barrier; both kids and adults are reliant on boats to cross over the river. When there are no boats, villagers are stranded.  

Based on these findings, they decided to start a Foundation. The first project the Foundation will embark on is to build a hospital within a rural part of Bangladesh and name it after Jobeda. The hospital will deal with all medical emergencies – but its primary focal point will be childbirth.


333, Parsloes Ave, Dagenham, RM9 5QR

The Three Sisters Foundation UK relieves poverty, sickness, and distress through education, working to improve lives and break the cycle of poverty through empowering educational initiatives.

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